The Secrets to Travelling Farther on Your Roadtrips | Episode 8

Listen below to find out how to cover more miles on your road trips We think this episode is a super important one, as we know how special and life-changing these memories can be. As a special thank you to our listeners, we’ve arranged a $5 discount off our favourite planning app, Roadtrippers – which will open your eyes to the fun, quirky, historical and downright amazing…

RV Pre-Trip Checklist and RV Essentials | Episode 7

RVers live for checklists. They are essential to making sure you have the right gear, are set up to safely tow your rig and that you don’t leave anything behind. In episode 7 of the RV Canucks Podcast we’re reviewing the 18 essential items on our RV pre-trip checklist, as well as our picks for the top 10 Essential items every RVer needs for every…

10 Things You Need to Know About Your RV or Trailer |Episode 6

Whether you’re brand new to the RV life, upgrading from a tent or smaller trailer, buying new or used – there are some basic essentials you need to know about your RV and how it works before hitting the road. If you didn’t get the benefit of a thorough salesperson walkthrough when you picked up your rig, or bought used and the previous owner didn&#8217…

Listener Questions Answered (Part 1) |Episode 5

This episode is all about answering your listener questions, and hopefully the first of many! We also dive into the long-awaited review of Happy Campers Tank Treatment, which we spoke about on Episode 2: Black Water Tank Maintenance. And, Happy Campers literally saved our lives, not because it’s a good product (spoiler-alert – it is) but because we are all still alive to tell you about…

Shop Sally

She’s a long way from being done, but here’s everything we’re using to bring Sally back to her glory days. Questions about how we’re using them? See our saved Instagram Stories for updates and follow along! Roof/Body Repair RevolutionPly 4ft x 8ft x 5.2mm (Home Depot Canada) $27.23 As an Amazon Associate, when you make a purchase, we may…

The Basics of RV Boondocking | Episode 4

After we mentioned boondocking in our episode on the five best travel apps, Melina received a text from a friend asking what boondocking was. Fast forward to this week, and we’ve adjusted our podcast schedule to bring you the answer! Essentially, boondocking with your RV or travel trailer is staying somewhere outside a traditional campground where you don’t have fresh water, sewer or power connections…